※主辦單位 Organizer |
行政院農業委員會畜產試驗所 Livestock Research Institute, COA |
※合辦單位 Co-organizer |
臺南市政府 Tainan City Government |
※協辦單位 Co-organizer |
中國畜牧學會 Chinese Society of Animal Science |
※執行單位 Implementer | 台灣經濟研究院 Taiwan Institute of Economic Research |
※使用語言 Language | 英文(現場備有中文同步口譯) English (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided) |
DAY 1 Oct 26, 2022(Wed) | ||
時間Taiwan Time (UTC/GMT +8) |
Agenda議程 | Speaker/講者 |
08:30-09:00 | Registration 報到 |
09:00-09:20 | Opening Remarks 開幕致詞 |
09:20-09:30 | Group Photo 團體合照 |
Session 1 Indigenous Pigs Species and Current Challenges 在地豬種及現有挑戰 |
Chairperson主持人 Dr. Ming-Che Wu 吳明哲博士 (Taiwan) |
09:30-10:10 |
Keynote 1 Social-Cultural Value of Black Lanyu Pig Breed and Prospect of Biomedical Application of White Binlang Pig Breed 黑色蘭嶼豬種的社會文化價值及白色賓朗豬的生物醫學應用展望 |
Dr. Chia-Chieh Chang 章嘉潔博士 (Taiwan) |
10:10-10:30 |
Topic 1 Characteristics and Improvement of Jeju Native Pig |
Dr. Byoung-Chul Yang (South Korea) |
10:30-10:50 |
Topic 2 The Origin and Conservation Importance of Native Taiwanese Liudui Black Pigs as Inferred from Molecular Genetics 由分子遺傳證據推論臺灣本土六堆黑豬的由來與保種重要性 |
Dr. Yu-Ten Ju 朱有田教授 (Taiwan) |
10:50-11:05 | Moderated Discussion 問題討論 |
Chairperson Speakers of session 1 |
11:05-12:00 | Refreshment Break 休息茶敘 Poster Presentation 海報發表 |
12:00-13:00 |
Lunch 午餐 |
Session 2 Genetics, Breeding and Preservation 遺傳、育種及保種 |
Chairperson主持人 Dr. Shao-Yu Peng 彭劭于教授 (Taiwan) |
13:00-13:40 |
Keynote 2 Pork Quality Requirements and Fatty Pig Production in East Asia |
Dr. Noboru Manabe (Japan) |
13:40-14:00 |
Topic 3 Identification of Nucleus Boar Semen Quality to Ensure the Sustainable Conservation of Taiwan Native Lanyu Minipigs 評選蘭嶼種公豬產精性能以確保臺灣本土小型豬族群之永續保種 |
Mr. Ting-Yung Kuo 郭廷雍助理研究員 |
14:00-14:20 |
Topic 4 Application of Assisted Reproductive Techniques for the Preservation of Indigenous Pigs |
Dr. Tamas Somfai (presented by Dr. Kazuhiro Kikuchi) (Japan) |
14:20-14:35 |
Moderated Discussion 問題討論 |
Chairperson Speakers of session 2 |
14:35-15:00 | Refreshment Break 休息茶敘 | |
Session 3 Physiology, Reproduction and Development 生理、繁殖及發育 |
Chairperson主持人 Dr. Lih-Ren Chen 陳立人博士 (Taiwan) |
15:00-15:40 |
Keynote 3 The Pig as a Model for Nutrigenomic Studies |
Dr. Maria Oczkowicz (Poland) |
15:40-16:00 |
Topic 5 The Population Genetic Structure Analysis of Pin-Pu Black Pig in Taiwan 臺灣平埔黑豬族群遺傳結構之研析 |
Dr. Chi-Sheng Chang 張啟聖助理教授 (Taiwan) |
16:00-16:20 |
Topic 6 Utilization of Porcine Testicular Tissues after Cryopreservation and Grafting into Nude Mice |
Dr. Kazuhiro Kikuchi (Japan) |
16:20-16:35 |
Moderated Discussion 問題討論 |
Chairperson Speakers of session 3 |
16:35 |
End of Conference Day 1 研討會第一天結束 |
18:00-20:30 |
Welcome Gala Dinner 歡迎晚宴 Poster Excellent Award 優秀論文頒獎 |
DAY 2 Oct 27, 2022(Thu) | ||
時間Taiwan Time (UTC/GMT +8) |
Agenda議程 | Speaker/講者 |
08:30-09:00 | Registration 報到 |
Session 4 Nutrition, Management, Biosecurity and Production Systems 營養、管理、生物安全及生產系統 |
Chairperson 主持人 Dr. Yih-Fwu Lin 林義福博士 (Taiwan) |
09:00-09:40 |
Keynote 4 Deep Frozen Semen and Embryo Backup of Hungarian Native Pig Breeds in Pandemic Situation |
Dr. József Rátky (Hungary) |
09:40-10:00 |
Topic 7 Study on the Dietary Nutrition of TLRI No.1 Black Pig 畜試黑豬飼糧營養研究 |
Dr. Fang-Chueh Liu 劉芳爵博士 (Taiwan) |
10:00-10:20 |
Topic 8 Formosa Black Pig in Taiwan Breeding Swine Auction Web with Selection Traits on Growth Performance, Body Conformation and Total Sperm Count 福爾摩沙黑豬在臺灣種豬拍賣網的生長性能、體型和總精子數等選拔性狀 |
Dr. Ming-Che Wu 吳明哲博士 (Taiwan) |
10:20-10:35 | Moderated Discussion 問題討論 |
Chairperson Speakers of session 4 |
10:35-11:00 | Refreshment Break 休息茶敘 |
Session 5 Industry, Environment and Marketing 產業、環境及市場 |
Chairperson 主持人 Dr. Jen-Wen Shiau 蕭振文博士 (Taiwan) |
11:00-11:40 |
Keynote 5 Native Pig Genetic Resources Improvement and Utilization in the Context of Industry Building, Product Development and Environmental Protection |
Dr. Synan S. Baguio (Philippines) |
11:40-12:00 |
Topic 9 Introduction of Black Pig Industry in Taiwan 臺灣黑豬產業介紹 |
Chief of Livestock Industry Section Dr. Jen-Wen Shiau 李宜謙科長 (Taiwan) |
12:00-12:20 |
Topic 10 The Application of Minipigs for Preclinical Development 小型豬在臨床前開發中的應用 |
Head of Dept. of Animal Resource Jihn-Shiun Alexander Chao 趙志勳主任 (Taiwan) |
12:20-12:35 |
Moderated Discussion 問題討論 |
Chairperson Speakers of session 5 |
12:35-13:40 |
Lunch 午餐 |
Session 6 Meat Quality, Products and By-Products 肉質、產品及副產品 |
Chairperson 主持人 Dr. Fa-Jui Tan 譚發瑞教授 (Taiwan) |
13:40-14:20 |
Keynote 6 Iberian Pig Production: Genetic Background, Finishing Systems, Carcass Traits and Product Quality |
Dr. Mercedes Izquierdo Cebrián (Spain) |
14:20-14:40 |
Topic 11 Breeding, Products Development, and Industrial Promotion of KHAPS Black Pigs (K) 高畜黑豬(K)的育成、產品開發及產業推廣 |
Dr. Chin-Bin Hsu 許晉賓博士 (Taiwan) |
14:40-15:00 |
Topic 12 Quality Attributes of Pork and Processed Products from Fat Breeds. Examples of Local French Breeds |
Dr. Bénédicte Lebret (France) |
15:00-15:15 |
Moderated Discussion 問題討論 |
Chairperson Speakers of session 6 |
15:15-15:45 |
Refreshment Break 休息茶敘 |
Session 7 Open Forum and Closing Remarks 開放論壇及閉幕致詞 |
Chairperson 主持人 Dr. Jeng-Fang Huang 黃振芳所長 (Taiwan) |
15:45-16:15 |
Open Forum African Swine Fever: Global Disease Control and Prevention 開放論壇 論壇議題: 全球非洲豬瘟之防疫 |
Invited Speakers |
16:15-16:30 |
Closing Remarks 閉幕致詞 |
16:30 |
End of Conference 研討會閉幕 |
DAY 3 Oct 28, 2022(Fri) | |
時間Taiwan Time (UTC/GMT +8) |
Technical Tour 產業技術參訪 |
08:30-08:40 | Registration at THSR Tainan Station-Exit 2 高鐵臺南站2號出口集合報到 |
08:40-09:20 | Travel Time 車程 |
09:20-10:30 | DaChan Great Wall Group Co., Ltd.
大成長城企業股份有限公司 |
10:30-11:30 | Travel Time 車程 |
11:30-11:50 | Pingtung Agricultural Biotechnology Park (Guided Bus Tour)
屏東農業生物科技園區 (車上導覽-園區巡禮) |
11:50-13:00 | Lunch 午餐 |
13:00-14:30 | Taiwan Farm Industry Co., Ltd.
台灣農畜產工業股份有限公司 |
14:30-14:40 | Travel Time 車程 |
14:40-15:50 | Taiwan Sugar Co., Ltd.
Dong Hai Feng Agricultural Circulation Park 台灣糖業股份有限公司-東海豐農業循環園區 |
15:50-16:30 |
End of the Tour THSR Tainan Station 高鐵臺南站 |